Learning - An Individual Process

The intergration of new knowldege into individual existing knowledge and skills occur only with certainty when something known is used spontaneoulsy in communicative purposeful situation to express it's meaning. This implies the engagement of genuine interest and will depend partly on the presence of a positive attitude.
If learning is a social practice and the classroom a social context, learning itself remains largely an individual process as we seek to integrate newly perceived information into existing knowledge system. It is essential for us to recognise that, to a large extent, it is the individual and not through text nor formal education control what is learnt, since it is in our minds that selectivity organise the sensory input into meaningful wholes.
Situations of interaction can be shown parallel with person's generated motivation which is the ultimate goal of the learning process. Self - motivation is the most important factor to take into account.
A person should be Socio-Culturally determined. Learning new skills means becoming familiar with the assumptions on which it is based and the social purposes for which it is used.
Draw some explicit comparisons from previous acquired skills/knowledge and use it as a springboard which it will lead to a new venture of learning.
Yes, learning is a continuous process. It goes beyond. Identify where you're heading to. Set pathways. Focus on things one at a time. If you see that it's a vague venture to go along with, don't stop from there. You're actually on the right track! Just think of possible ways to make it work. Maybe , segragate into chunks, it's wiser to use Mind Mapping and make sure that the pathway you've created is self-directed not going further away from it's main objective.
Note: If there are some points of clarification, you can proceed to the discussion board created and we'll exchange views . Others may as well pick up from your own expertise.
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